GHG Emissions Overall score
Sustainable organizations eliminate all direct / operational and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) net emissions, also known as Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions.
Performance on operational emissions (Scope 1)
Does your organization do any of the following to manage its operational (Scope 1) GHG emissions? (Check all that apply; replace sample data with real organization data)
We do not currently monitor and record Scope 1 GHG emissions.
(If selected, delete the sample percentage and skip to the next question.)
We monitor and record our operational GHG emissions, relative to emissions in a baseline reference year.
Approximate percentage reduction of our operational Scope 1 GHG emissions, relative to our chosen baseline year.
We have set targets for operational emissions reductions, relative to a chosen baseline year, in line with IPCC recommendations.
We met operational emissions targets for the reporting period, with or without the use of certified carbon offsets.
We have a science-based goal to be 100% carbon neutral on our operational emissions, regardless of organization growth.
Performance on emissions associated with the generation of the organization's purchased electricity (Scope 2)
Does your organization do any of the following to manage its Scope 2 GHG emissions associated with your purchased electricity?
(Check all that apply; replace sample data with real organization data)
We do not currently monitor and record GHG emissions associated with our purchased electricity (Scope 2).
(If selected, delete the sample percentage and skip to the next question.)
We monitor and record GHG emissions associated with our purchased electricity (Scope 2).
Approximate percentage reduction of our Scope 2 GHG emissions, relative to our chosen baseline year.
We have set targets for our electrical utility's Scope 2 emissions reductions relative to a chosen baseline year, in line with IPCC recommendations.
We met Scope 2 emission reduction targets for the reporting period, with or without the use of certified offsets.
We have a science-based goal to be 100% carbon neutral on our Scope 2 emissions, regardless of organization growth.
Performance on emissions that occur elsewhere in the company's value chain (Scope 3)
Does your organization do any of the following to manage its Scope 3 GHG emissions?
(Check all that apply; replace sample data with real organization data)
"We do not currently monitor and record any Scope 3 GHG emissions.
(If selected, skip to the next question.)"
"We have reviewed the 15 sources / categories of Scope 3 emissions and identified which are significant and relevant enough for our organization to measure and track.
(Check those deemed significant enough to track, unchecking inappropriate sample ones.)"
  • Upstream (cradle-to-gate) GHGs from the production of acquired goods and services.
  • Upstream (cradle-to-gate) GHGs from the production of acquired capital goods.
  • GHGs from fuel- and energy-related extraction, production and transportation, not already included in Scope 1 or 2.
  • GHGs from transportation of goods from tier 1 suppliers and between organization facilities, in non-organization vehicles.
  • GHGs from transportation, disposal and treatment of organization waste by third parties.
  • GHGs from business travel of employees, in vehicles not owned / operated by the organization.
  • GHGs from employees (including contractors and consultants) commuting to worksites, in non-organization vehicles.
  • GHGs from the operation of upstream assets leased to others (lessees).
  • GHGs from the transportation, storage, distribution and retail of products, in vehicles and facilities not owned by the organization.
  • GHGs from processing of intermediate products sold by the organization to manufacturers.
  • GHGs from end use of products and services sold by the organization.
  • GHGs from the end-of-life waste disposal and treatment of sold products.
  • GHGs from the operation of downstream assets leased to others (lessees).
  • GHGs from the operation of franchises.
  • GHGs from the operation of equity investments - the Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions of investees.
Number of significant and relevant sources of Scope 3 GHGs
We monitor and track our Scope 3 emissions from some, or all, significant sources, as identified above.
Number of significant sources, above, that we monitor and track
Percent of significant sources that we monitor and track
We have set targets for our overall Scope 3 emissions, relative to a chosen baseline year, in line with IPCC recommendations.
We met our overall Scope 3 emissions targets for the reporting period, with or without the use of certified offsets.
We have a science-based goal to be 100% carbon neutral on our Scope 3 emissions, regardless of organization growth.